Egyptian Anubis Reiki
by Elina
Service Description
Thoth Egyptian Anubis Reiki helps us to RE-MEMBER who we are by bringing all parts of ourselves back In a Session I channel codes (=sound and symbol) to open portals within to access inner knowledge, harmony and higher consciousness. The codes provide forgotten keys to unlock doors to ancient/ inner libraries of wisdom encoded in cellular memory to become the knowledge of the now. They work on all levels and manifest on etheric and material levels. All life is manifested within the circle, the void, the womb from which the word came forth and was birthed as sound. Everything is based on the harmony of sacred geometry and sound. The ancient Egyptians were dedicated to inhabiting levels of existence beyond time and space and this knowledge is encoded within the symbols of Egyptian (Anubis) Reiki. A part of you remembers an ancient life and civilization that held all the keys to accessing higher levels of consciousness. Remember your unique light Remember your highest truth Remember the alchemy, the medicine you came here to serve And create the life you came here to live Love, there is so much more Do you dare to explore?
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